1) Perform hand hygiene.
a. Cover all surfaces of the hands with hand sanitizer.
b. Rub hands together to dry.
2) Explain the procedure to be performed to the resident [manikin].
3) Fill a basin with warm water.
4) Provide privacy for the resident; pull the privacy curtain.
5) Raise the bed between mid-thigh and waist level.
6) Raise the side rail on the side of the bed opposite the working side or request the RN Test Observer or Actor to stand on the side of the bed opposite the working side.
7) Obtain a brief.
8) Put on gloves.
9) Place bath blanket or clean sheet over resident to maintain privacy.
10) Place waterproof pad under resident’s buttocks by turning resident toward the side or raising hips.
11) Expose perineum only.
12) Unfasten the wet brief on both sides.
13) Remove the soiled brief under resident [manikin] by rolling resident [manikin] side-to-side OR raising hips.
14) Discard the soiled brief in a designated container.
15) Gently grasp the penis.
16) Use water and a soapy washcloth.
17) Clean tip of penis starting at the urethral opening, working outward with a circular motion.
18) Clean the shaft of the penis with motions away from the tip of the penis.
19) Use a clean portion of a washcloth with each stroke.
20) Clean the scrotum with a clean portion of a washcloth.
21) Rinse the penis with a new washcloth.
22) Rinse the penis using a clean portion of a washcloth with each stroke.
23) Rinse the scrotum using a clean portion of a washcloth with each stroke.
24) Pat dry the area.
25) Recover the exposed area with the bath blanket or clean sheet.
26) Assist resident in turning onto their side away from the working side of the bed.
27) Use a new, soapy washcloth to clean the rectal area.
28) Clean the area from the scrotum to the rectal area using a clean portion of a washcloth with each stroke.
29) Use a new washcloth.
30) Rinse the area from the scrotum to the rectal area using a clean portion of a washcloth with each stroke.
31) Pat dry the area.
32) Apply a new brief by rolling resident [manikin] side-to-side OR raising hips.
33) Pull the front of the brief through, ensuring it is even on both sides of the resident [manikin], and fasten it securely on both sides.
34) Remove the waterproof pad, without friction, by turning resident [manikin] side-to-side or raising hips.
35) Remove the bath blanket or sheet.
36) Dispose of all soiled linen in the designated container.
37) Position the resident on his back.
38) Lower bed.
39) Lower side rail(s) if side rails were used.
40) Empty, rinse, dry, and return equipment to storage.
41) Remove gloves, turning them inside out as they are removed, and dispose of them in a designated container.
42) Open the privacy curtain.
43) Leave the resident in a position of comfort and safety.
44) Maintain respectful, courteous interpersonal interactions at all times.
45) Place call light or signaling device within easy reach of resident.
46) Turn on water.
47) Wet all surfaces of hands BEFORE applying soap.
48) Wet wrists BEFORE applying soap.
49) Apply soap to wet hands.
50) Rub hands together using friction.
51) While hands are not under running water, rub hands together for at least 20 seconds.
52) Interlace fingers pointing downward.
53) Wash all surfaces of hands and wrists with soap.
54) Rinse hands and wrists thoroughly under running water with fingers pointed downward.
55) Dry hands and wrists with a clean paper towel(s).
56) Immediately discard paper towel(s) in a trash container.
57) Turn off the faucet with a clean, dry paper towel.
58) Do not re-contaminate hands at any time during the handwashing procedure. (Using a wet paper towel to turn off the faucet is considered recontamination.)