Abdominal Thrust on Conscious Resident
- Asks actor, "Are you Choking?"
- Identifies two symptoms/signs of choking. (_____,____).
- Brings actor to a standing position.
- Call for help.
- Stand behind resident.
- Wrap arms around resident above the waist.
- Make a fist with one hand.
- Place the thumb side of the fist against resident's adbomen.
- Position fist slightly above navel and below bottom of sternum.
- Grasp fist with other hand.
- Verbalize only "press fist and hand into resident's adbomen with an inward, upward thrust."
- Verbalize thrust at least three times.
- Stops, asks resident, "Are you still choking?" Actor will say, “No.” (Tester will ask, what would you have done if the resident would have indicated that they were still choking).
- State, “I would repeat this procedure until it is successful or the resident lost consciousness."
- At which point, I would place the resident in recovery position on lateral side in bed.(for testing purpose only). (Must be physically performed)
Skills key can be found on the D & S Video title page.